Please contact our Broome office either by phone or email us a resume with your name, contact details. work experience and any training you have participated in.
Regional Addresses
6 Haynes Street, Broome WA 6725
26 Button Dve Kununurra, WA 6743
Health and Safety
Kullarri’s safety and health vision is to conduct our business in an environment where our employees are free from injury and harm. This vision embraces the duty of care principle in which Kullarri will, so far as is practicable, provide and maintain a working environment where employees are not exposed to hazards. A duty of care is also owed to others (e.g. contractors, customers, and members of the public), and Kullarri will strive to ensure that safe workplaces, plant and systems of work are maintained. Check out the photo of this months Kimberley Safe Award winner.
What’s on offer from Kullarri Building
Design and Construct projects
Asbestos Removal
Planned / routine Maintenance
Breakdown Maintenance
Project Management
General Construction